Learn About What We Offer
UK Based Academic Use
The National Crystallography Service is a National Research Facility offering single crystal X-ray diffraction services, free at the point of access, to all UK based researchers eligible to apply for EPSRC funding. You do not currently need to hold an EPSRC grant to apply for use of the service.
We provide two types of routine service:
Data Collection Only (DCO) – We will collect, process and provide data suitable for crystal structure solution and refinement for which the service user is then responsible. This is typically for those who have experience dealing with crystallographic software.
Full Structure Analysis (FSA) – We will collect and process X-ray data and perform a full crystal structure analysis including crystal structure solution and refinement. We will, if desired, also prepare final results ready for publication (figures, tables, etc.). This is typically for users who do not have experience with crystallographic software or for particularly challenging structures.
These services are available for a routine experimental set up. We are able to offer advanced experimental techniques (e.g. high pressure, variable temperature, gas cell etc.). We are also able to examine data samples at Diamond I19 and if you have data that has been collected elsewhere we can offer advice on problem datasets.
For more information regarding these, or to find out how to apply for an allocation click below. For any other enquiries or to check if you are eligible to apply contact us at info@ncs.ac.uk.
* For international academic users email us at info@ncs.ac.uk to discuss the potential for a collaboration.